Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sunny Weekend

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. ~ C. S. Lewis

We're blessed with a good winter this year; so far rain and sunshine are coming alternately at an almost regular interval.  Sunny weekend afternoons like the one we had today, often invites the family to be get out into the garden just like lady bugs crawl out from hibernation in search of fun in the sun.   Miriam and I move around in the yard to have fun and enjoy the sun.  She's playing, looking for bugs or building something out of sticks while I pull weeds and move plants around.  There's pleasure in being able to interact with the garden and see a tangible outcome in the end.  The rest of the family seem to fall into a different category; they are the ones who like to emulate the a photosynthesizing plant - just sit in one place and absorb as much warmth as they can processing as much information as their bones warm up.

That's my family - varied we may be but all in one place and enjoying what's given to us.  

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