Thursday, April 22, 2010

Current Project: Ladies' Tea

I have not been blogging lately.  Some of my time has been taken up by planning and preparing for the Cornerstone Christian Church Ladies' Tea which will be held next week on May 1st.  I am the project leader for this event.  In addition to that, I am also the speaker!  That's right, I will be speaking at the Ladies' Tea on gardening.  Based on previous years' records, 100 ladies are expected to be at the party. 

I need to do some thinking and writing soon.  Not that the ideas that I am going to say are not already in my head but those thoughts have to be organized in a presentable form.  So if my blog seems 'cobwebby' at this time it's because of this project.  Expect me to post at least a couple of topics related to this undertaking soon.
Whenever we push ourselves to accomplish a goal, we trigger the awakening of a dormant ability that is hidden behind fears, lack of purpose and complacency. ~ Helen

1 comment:

  1. Helen, that's wonderful that you'll be speaking at the Ladies' Tea! I'm really looking forward to it. You will be a blessing to all of the ladies there :)


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