Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Sweet Sixteen

Miriam is sixteen!  As if it was only yesterday... It was a very hot day when I had to go to the hospital to have a baby, my smallest baby.  Now she's not that small anymore.  She has grown to be a beautiful smart, confident and considerate person. As much as I would describe her siblings as such, but she is completely different and unique.  God was gracious to give her to us.  

At sixteen...
Boss Drummer 
Four AP classes
Braces in place
Long term friend of Becky Carmickael
Owns a bunny and a dove
Traveled alone on a multiple-legged trip
The only girl in the group "Half and Half"
Successfully denied hope to several admirers but remained as friends
Filed a thousand songs in her playlist
Avid fan of "Hamilton".  She can sing the whole sound track.
Wears Converse shoes - primarily in primary colors.
Has a good friend named Keeton West. 
Legally permitted to learn to drive. She's a calm driving student.
Loves Macaroni and Cheese, Brie, Cheese Curds and Caesar Salad
She thinks she and I can eat a whole tub of cream puffs while watching television
Has a high-paying job dog-sitting three dogs.
Been to eight countries, so far.

 But then again, she's only sixteen...I can only imagine what God has in store for her.  God Bless my daughter so that she will walk closely with Him.

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