Monday, June 13, 2011

Two days before Colombia

We are finally getting ready for our family mission trip to Colombia.  Last night I stayed up late to work on a lecture that I will be delivering to a group of farmers.  That's right. I will have a chance to use my knowledge and experince in horticulture although I must say that I am a student when it comes to the climate and the traditions of the farmers there. 

So far, I have packed two 50 lb suitcases full of ministry and gift materials.  Miriam and Brahms are almost packed.   Tomorrow I will be packing my clothes and finalizing my "hort talk".   Tim checked with American Airlines policy on baggage - and yes - we are allowed two free checked-in suitcases.  

Tomorrow will involve more packing and re-checking the tiny details that we have to pay attention to - such as my thyroid medicine, Shannon's extra contact lenses, passports, etc.  Thank goodness my children are all well-travelled that I don't need to do anything except to remind them or in the case of Miriam - I check her suitcase after she's done packing.  Although Tim is that onew ho travels the most in this family, most of the time I am the one who prepares his clothing.  When we travel together, though,  he gets to do it himself. :) 

We have stopped buying more food as we try to finish what we have in the fridge - and really it is amazing to see how clean the fridge is looking these days.  We have been eating mostly from what we have in the freezer and the pantry instead of fresh foods.  Tonight we made pizza and it was yummy.  For tomorrow I am thinking of making pancakes, eggs, bacon and canned pineapples - again.

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