Thursday, October 15, 2009


The original picture is sharp black and white

A gift is freely given.  The nature of the gift is completely decided by the one who gives it.  It is chosen based on a desired perk to the one whom it is intended for and delivered with kindness and love.  No matter what it is, once given, the present will be tagged with a new value determined by the recipient's gratitude.  My mother-in-law gave my husband a very precious gift for his birthday.  With it came this inscription on a piece of paper:

Dear Tim,

Your dad and I took you with us to the "Kinetic Scupture" race in Ferndale on May 9, 1971, when you were approximately 21/2 years old.  A young woman, who said she was a student at Humboldt State, asked our permission to take your picture.  We said that was OK and she promised to send us a copy, which she did.  You will find that she wrote the date and her name "M. Sullivan" on the back.

I've always loved this photo.  It speaks to me of the fine man you are and how, even that young, one could see your potential.  You were so intent on those moving sculptures, we could sense your wheels-turning!!!

Anyway, I pass the photo on to you.

With love and pride!
My husband was clearly astonished to find such special present.   With
thoughts of tenderness towards his own mother, he looked at the picture as if he wanted to cry but was embarrased to let it go.   We all looked at it with appreciation, a lot of imagination and questions.  "Are you sure that is you?"  "What happened to your nose? (It used to be smaller.)"  "You used to be so cute!"  My children and I welcome anything that tells us a little bit about him during the "blind period" when we have not met.   Secretly, I wished I saw him when he was a little boy.  In as much as I didn't, I will just content myself to sharing life with him now as we age together, till death do as part.

We will treasure this picture and the memories that came with it.

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