Thursday, June 23, 2016

Always in the Hands of God

Today Tim and I brought Miriam to the airport to go see her sister in Wisconsin.  We watched her go through security by herself. And as she started to walk away towards Gate A1, slowly we lost sight of her.  Then Tim whispered to me, "There you go.  You transferred your daughter into someone's hand." And I said, "Always in the hands of God."  Yes, always in the hands of God!

And then as we started to drive back home, I remembered that Shannon was also minutes away from her job interview with the Wisconsin State Legislature.  Earlier this morning I texted her a piece of advise of which she was obviously well aware of it - but I had to remind her anyway (Motherly instincts never leave mothers, I guess).  As I prayed for her, there was this realization that I have no control over anything. Not over the flight that Miriam is in, not over the people at Shannon's interview nor her answers at the interview, and not even with Brahms who was at home.  As much as I think that I can make things go in favor of the people I love by doing or merely worrying, I really do not have any control.

Few days later... 

Miriam comes home with a short hair and I did not have anything to do with it.  I was disappointed over the fact that she and her sister did not warn me about it but I figured, it is another indicator for my waning control over the affairs of my children. By now I must start redefining my role from director to adviser to my children.  This role requires that I strengthen my faith muscles - engaging myself in the Holy Spirit's direction :)

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