Academic Talent Search (ATS) allows young students to experience university instruction. Shannon and Brahms both passed the qualifying exam. Shannon is taking Neurobiology and Flash Animation. Last year she took Poetry and Chinese which she truly enjoyed. I believe that she would have taken other course this year if the schedule was not in conflict with our trip to Belize.

Brahms took a class in Flash animation and Cartooning. He is fascinated with computer animation and would like to do a lot more himself. We might have to buy the software that would allow him and Shannon to apply what they learned. It is quite expensive but we could get the student version for $200-$300.
Brahms at Ridgeview Park, 2007
He and Shannon had so much fun because they both took flash animation but at different schedules. It was good to see them discuss things which both of them knew or learned from the same day.
Yesterday, we got their grades and they were all excellent and that their teachers made very encouraging remarks. Shannon is going to talk to their school councellor to see how her points earned from ATS classes will apply to her high school requirements.